Nadal on Australian Open Air Quality “I’m Here To Play”

Rafael Nadal admits he has no self-control when it comes to chocolate

World number one Rafael Nadal has defended the Australian Open organizers and is confident that the tournament will be safe for players

Nadal said “I received – and that doesn’t mean everyone should be the same – an answer that convinces me.
They told me that they have the right specialists here analyzing and monitoring the air every four minutes.

“There are parameters, if it is over 200, we don’t play, and if it is under 200 we normally play.

“And I was given an answer that the ‘Olympic rule’ is until 300 you can keep competing.

“I really cannot believe that the most important committee in the world wants bad health for the competitors.

“So that answer convinces me. I am here to play.”

Do you think the tournament should go ahead or be canceled?

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